Become Envolved

Entering your Organization into the New World of the eCosystems.


Traditionally, Organizations are worried about competition from rival firms. It was a straightforward world: the firm controlled its resources, advantage derived from a company's assets and organizations made money based on their ability to deliver value within their supply chains.


Today's organizations look very different. Rather than stand-alone players battling for market share, companies form networks and alliances and collectively deliver value to their customers.


BECOME ENVOLVED in #OPENmaat Business eCosystem means you will be able to find all the tools you need to manage your transactions, trading or financial operations.


Business ecosystems are dynamic webs of interdependent organizations that rely on each other  for success. They include the core business which includes those we have always considered to be part of a corporation internal functions like finance, human resources, R&D, and production—plus distribution channels and direct suppliers.


Entering and becoming envolved in #OPENmaat you and your organization will have multiple facilities, functionalities, documentation models and, of course, you will participate into  #OPENmaat  "transactional and networking services"" across the entire Extended Value Chain of your industry.