Promote your own eCosystem

Planning your Business Strategy into the Corporate eCosystem.


Today’s organizations are deeply embedded in complex ecosystems. Understanding your company’s space in its ecosystem can help you anticipate market challenges and help your company thrive during change.


If you decide to PROMOTE your Business eCosystem, then #OPENmaat offers you all the facilities for you to get it.


eCosystem are complex and ever-changing. While it is impossible to fully map an ecosystem, leaders can develop insight into the dynamics and interdependencies of their ecosystems. To begin understanding your eCosystem, start by identifying entities.


eCosystem entities are organizations that your company depends on in order to do its business. Entities can include supply chain partners such as suppliers and distributors. However, the eCosystem approach goes beyond the traditional supply chains to examine the more complex web in which a company operates. This web includes the networks, resources, people, and ideas that fuel your company.


You can configure your own model and autoprovisioning from #OPENmaat ServicesPlatform and immediately work from your own deployment.


You can create your full value cycle: deploy, publish and categorize your services and provide to your partner´s ecosystem  with a private, secure, isolated and completely dedicated environment, from which to manage and exploit your model through a custom DashBoard.


#OPENmaat allows your Organization to interconnect with other eCosystems enhancing your opportunities, expand your traffic and reach millions of suppliers and consumers around the world...