Transforming data into information

Digital transformation is a mandatory challenge for companies that want to be competitive in today's globalized environment, where in order to remain attractive to their customers, they require to anticipate their needs, to reinvent themselves, to devise new ways of doing things and not to go after the trends that other companies mark.

There are several elements that act as axes of transformation: people, technology, adaptability and answer, innovation, creativity, business culture, but especially, the data.


The information and knowledge extracted from the data constitute a key factor of success and the fundamental raw material for:

(a) Search for new sources of income
(b) Development of new products and services
(c) Process optimization
(d) Costs minimized
(e) Improved employee workflow and increased productivity
(f) Knowledge of customers and improvement of their experience
(g) Customer acquisition, retention and loyalty
(h) Detection of consumption trends and new patterns of behavior


#OPENmaat incorporates processes of continuous improvement for its load crowlers, to make them increasingly generic and to generate new ontologies that allow to incorporate more data sources, with less level of structuring, in more languages and greater capacity of integration with the data previously Stored.



#OPENmaat accumulates data from each movement, from each operation, from each access; and transforms this data into relevant information, thus finding a big volume of tracks with the purpose to determine patterns of behavior, inferences of offers, demands and potential channels of relation between eCosystem´s members, facilitating and stimulating in this way new business transactions between them